"Walking over a carpet of still bubbling Haraka bodies, it creates the strangely familiar smell of Braais that makes me wonder if I can eat these mother [expletive]."

The Tactical Flesh Eater Rifle was developed and first used in combat by the Alkebulan Empire. After humans first encountered the Haraka in 2244 it was clear a new type of weapon was needed to combat this new threat. With the intense study of recovered Harakian corpses the T-FER was quickly developed and introduced to the battle field in 2245 with immediate success.
In essence the TFER utilises a standard projectile rifle that has been enlarged and modified to fire a hollow shell filled with a corrosive liquid that explodes and disperses on impact.
This highly corrosive compound was specifically engineered to break down the key enzymes that make up the flesh of the Haraka, however it will corrode most organic materials and metals it contacts. The tacky liquid spreads out and clings to whatever surface its exposed to, allowing for less accurate shots to still be effective.
The compound starts working instantly and has the added benefit of continuing to rapidly corrode whatever it has adhered to until it is washed off or has completely broken down the target area.
This weapon can be equipped in both its Tactical and its Bilateral variants.

The Tactical Flesh Eater Rifle or T-FER was named very simply in line with its function. It is a standard projectile firing rifle with utilizes a chemical compound developed to literally eat away at the flesh of its target.

In line with its original purpose the rifle excels in battle when used against the Haraka. The corrosive compound is very effective in breaking down most materials it encounters, however due to its specific chemical make-up it can continue to melt away Harakian flesh long after the initial shot impacts.
In a numbers game against swarms of Harakian infantry a commander would be remiss if not fielding a strong contingent of Flesh Eater Rifles to combat the threat.