The Gray force has 9 separate and distinct factions. Most Human factions arose due to their physical location, and while this is in part also true of the Grays, the different factions are a better indication of their intended purpose as opposed to where they are normally based.

The Kyanmidak are one of the larger Gray factions and are based predominantly on Nilus. Their name translates to 'from the main lands' as they are prevalent on the three larger land mases of Nilus' northern hemisphere. Very single-minded and solely preoccupied with the protection of their home world.

Kyanrok means 'from the lowers', which is the Gray colloquial name for the region encompassing their large 'home' island and several smaller ones found in Nilus' southern hemisphere. They have become the custodians of all other Gray occupied planets in the HR 9038 B star system.

The Kyanminuk can mainly be found guarding the smaller Gray occupied moons and asteroids where they often profit heavily from the local mining operations. Their name translates to 'from the islands', as they originated in and around Nilus' large equatorial belt of archipelagos.

The Antyun means 'the protection', and they are perfectly suited for that task. Once a new world has been settled the Antyun are brought in to take ownership and protect the fledgling settlement as it grows, allowing the Nyatkor to move on and continue the Gray expansion.

Anjanik means 'the warriors', and it is a name well earnt. Only the finest and most ferocious Gray soldiers are chosen to step up and join the Anjanik ranks. Wherever the front-line planets are dangerously threatened, or the battle is decisive, you will find the Anjanik vehemently bolstering the forces.

The Nyatkor roughly translates as 'the forerunners'. They are predominantly an exploratory faction, being sent out into neighbouring star systems to find, secure and start to colonise new worlds. Paving the way for new Gray settlements and expanding their empires' reach.

The Reyktyun means 'leaders guard'. A small but elite faction of highly specialised Gray soldiers trained specifically to help protect their high command. They are sent to defend their Alpheyan leaders whenever they congregate for ceremonial meetings or are present at larger battles.

The Anfyat directly translates to 'the lost'. The smallest of the Gray factions they are based predominantly on the planet Lasid Cepheus where they are trained and garrisoned in isolation. They are used to carry out an array of important, clandestine and often somewhat amoral missions.

The Kianvyatkor are a small Gray faction shunned by the masses for their bizarre behaviour and archaically religious rituals. Their name roughly means 'the non-conformists', or more literally 'not the same as all', and have been pushed out to the fringes of Gray society and their territories.