Many of you at the UK Games Expo 2022 got your hands on the Promo Tesla Marine and I would absolutely love to see your paint schemes!!
These Lunar Republic Tesla Marines were undercoated using a can of Halfords plastic primer Grey. Found it gave them that darker grey undercoat that I could build over. The whole model got a wash with Citadel Nuln Oil before painting the main armour panels with Grey Seer. Edge highlights were made using Citadel White Scar.
Blue was a Citadel Calgar Blue with a wash of the old Guilliman's Blue wash. I found it Darkened it in just the way I wanted.
Finally all the black of the model was a simple thinned down black paint (found any black useful) with finally a gloss over the visor really brought out the helmet.
I've also found that if I paint the visor a dark grey, wash over this with either a blue or a purple to darken it and then gloss over the top just makes it look incredible. Will have pictures of that process in the future for you to see.
Can't wait to get my hands on some Humans to paint I'm especially excited for the Tanks would love to see the railgun variant, and hope to see a mechanic unit in the future!